Re: Super Grotesk scans
from @"Stephen Coles"'s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BBuHcenLZ4n/?taken-by=stewf Large image: Full sized: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12725137…2 -
Height of straight and curly quotes marks
What height do you design these at? I've seen a few schemes and am curious about the different rationales. I understand straight quotes (typewriter quotes) aren't 'supposed' to be used, and are a res…3 -
Re: Letter frequency for letters and their neighbours
Ok it's a pretty simple task. Some quick research after finding out what to look up returned the following: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14168601/nltk-makes-it-easy-to-compute-bigrams-of-words-…2 -
Short Monotype Descenders
I vaguely understand that Monotype had limitations on the length on descenders. Here's an ad from Lanston Monotype advertising fonts with longer 'traditional' length descenders. What exactly stopped …1 -
Digital Times (New) Roman
(I'm sure there is something about this in the Typophile archives… but of course we have no access to that anymore. Long post warning, probably suited better to a blog.) What's going on with all the …7